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Video – Seminar 2: Cutting Edge Technology in Asset Retirement
This online seminar provides information on cutting-edge digital and emerging technologies for more effective management of the environmental stages of energy asset retirement.
Video – Seminar 1: Opportunities in Wellsite Reclamation
Driving Collaboration This video is an online seminar for Indigenous opportunity seekers, the energy industry and service providers. Join us to learn about: Work and business opportunities in wellsite reclamation Education and support programs Successful [...]
Environmental Services among chief offerings by Indigenous companies working in Oil & Gas
InnoTech Alberta with the support of Alberta Economic Development, Trade and Tourism developed three Business Development Training & Engagement sessions for Indigenous companies with a focus on midstream and downstream oil and gas projects. Sessions [...]
Moose of Whitefish Lake First Nation
Photographer Joel Sartore is on a mission to photograph every living species. His photographs are housed in the National Geographic Photo Ark. Inspired by his work, we put together a moose collage comprised of photographs [...]
Aboriginal Environmental Services Network
Supporting Indigenous Involvement in the Environmental Services Sector

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About Aboriginal Environmental Service Network
The Aboriginal Environmental Services Network (AESN) is a coordinated approach for Indigenous involvement in the environmental services sector. AESN was established to fulfill a community, government and industry need for skilled people, available locally, to conduct environmental monitoring, wildlife surveys, traditional land use studies, vegetation management, climate change adaptation activities and reclamation. This approach is in line with the spirit of the recent “Calls to Action” released by Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as well as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Our goal is for the AESN to be a hub for management, communication, resource sharing and promotion of Indigenous participation in the delivery of environmental services. The network was conceived of, and is managed by InnoTech Alberta and its partners.
Why did InnoTech Alberta establish the Aboriginal Environmental Services Network?
InnoTech Alberta has an innovation mandate. Innovation is the conversion of knowledge into economic or social value. InnoTech Alberta established the Aboriginal Environmental Services Network in hopes that Indigenous communities can use the knowledge shared within the network to create economic or social value.
Join Our Network Today
Membership is free and open to anyone with an active interest in the environment.
You can become a member simply by registering to receive our newsletter.
What Do You Need Help With?
The Aboriginal Environmental Services Network developed by InnoTech Alberta can assist communities, government, industry, businesses and individuals to meet their targets for Indigenous involvement in the environmental services sector. Whether your query relates to training, technology or other resources, we will do our best to assist you in-house, or direct you to someone who can. If you would like to post a job or other opportunity or to be featured on this website, please contact us.
We are easy to talk to:
Shauna-Lee Chai